
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thats My Daughter!!!!

Samantha loves floor time. She will hang out on the floor either on her play gym or just in her room on a blanket for like a half hour. That is precious time for mommy to catch up on blogging and folding clothes. Thanks Sammi for being such a great baby for mommy!!!

Samantha hung out in the baby bjorn over Labor Day. Here she is practicing.
Samantha is really checking out grandpa. She was so good while we celebrated Mikey's birthday at the farm.
Just hanging out. This baby does not sleep unless she is really tired,
My three favorites!!
Another cute outfit
I was suppose to send a picture of the family for my ten year class reunion. I did not have one so I asked Trevor to take one when they stopped over. In the picture, I just woke up Dave is making a funny face and the baby looks crazy. Needless to say I did not send this picture for people who have not seen me in ten years to see.
This is the third bath tub I bought and I think I have a winner. Samantha likes to get her bath in the sink by the window. It is a lot easier giving an infant a bath if they are not crying. Now I look forward to giving her a bath because I know she likes it.


Tom, Lauren, Maddie and Cru said...

So fun! I love all the new pictures. I think the family one is hilarious! :D We are total grease balls in ours but Tom sent it in anyway. :D Samantha is growing so fast! I'm sure you are seeing it even more. Time goes at warp speed when you have a baby doesn't it? Well...other than those nights when they don't sleep. ;) Hugs girl. Tell Dave we said Hi!

Jason, Meghan, Mac, Jayce and Macy VandenHout said...

I love the 3 favorites picture and her cute little outfit. Girl clothes are so much fun :)