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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas Party

That brings us up to this weekend. Saturday Dave and I enjoyed ourselves at Noto's for my annual work holiday party. It is always a good time and the food is excellent. Dancing around and getting crazy with co-workers has never really been my thing and I know it is not Dave's thing so we stay for a while and then usually move on to another holiday party. This year the Mayweather Hatton fight was on both of our minds so we ended up at the Hagers new house. we are so excited to have them in Grand Rapids instead of over in Lowell. The house is lovely and it sounds like everything ended up working out with selling their place and stuff like that. We all know how stressful selling in Michigan is right now. So happy to have seen you again on Saturday, Hagers, and Thank you for letting us watch the fight!
Dave and I have Monday off this week, so we have a big day planned....little Home Depot, maybe Bed Bath and Beyond we'll see if we have time, LOL!!!


Tom, Lauren, Maddie and Cru said...

You two are so damn cute.:) Hope things are going well for you. ;) Hugs girly.