This is my favorite picture for sure. She is like what in the world is going on now. I'm hot, I'm cold so much to deal with out of the womb. My sweet Samantha loves being outside so she will take it anyway she can get it even in the piles of snow we have been getting. We love you Samantha!
Monday, December 22, 2008
It snows???
Posted by David and Stephanie at 12:38 PM 2 comments
Sophie turns 1
We always have so much fun at our friend's house for birthday parties. We used to all get together to PART-TAY, now we get together to....well...teach the kids how to party. That is funny and always so much fun. In my opinion things have changed for the better and truthfully these kids can teach us a thing or two.
happy birthday to Sophie! You are a beautiful one year old!
Posted by David and Stephanie at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
I posted lots of stuff!!!
I seem to post two or three posts at a time. It bugs me because the last one that I post usually should be the first one I post. Get it? I mean the order it shows up on the blog. Anyway, I posted some Santa pictures and other stuff below so make sure to check them out.
I took this video while I was feeding Samantha her cereal the other night. Sometimes she gets so excited she just wants to go and go and you will see go, go, go! This is super funny and I am so proud of how talented she is. I think this takes talent, Ha!!
Posted by David and Stephanie at 1:59 PM 2 comments
Damn the Baby Gap!!!
My baby does not need any more clothes. She probably won't wear all the ones she has before she grow out of them, but...I cannot stay away from the Baby Gap. The person that designs their baby clothes needs to be shot because they are soooo super cute I cannot help but buy them.
Samantha wanted to have a cool cap just like her daddy. They are so cute together.
Posted by David and Stephanie at 1:54 PM 3 comments
Here Comes Santa Clause
Samantha met Santa!Thank goodness Samantha's friend Ryder was there to make Santa seem nice. I think this Santa out front of Macy's looks pretty authentic.
Posted by David and Stephanie at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
More new stuff For Sam
At first she wasn't sure what the whole spoon thing was all about but then she got the hang of it. She is my big girl!
Along the same lines of trying to get my sweet baby to sleep through the night we thought it was time for cereal. The theory is that if she is nice and full she will not get up for a feeding in the middle of the night. So far the cereal has not made a bit of difference. I will keep you posted on operation Sam sleep all night. I will post a picture of myself once the bags go away from under my eyes, Ha!!
Posted by David and Stephanie at 2:15 PM 3 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Rolling Over!!
OMG, my sweet baby has been up to so much since my last post. I have been busy but it really is not excuse. Samantha is about 15 weeks old now ans she is so much fun everyday.
First of all she is rolling over like it is her job! She goes from front to back and back to front. She loves to do it all the time. Her neck is so strong.
Just ask her to do her rolls and she is off. She pulls her legs up and throws them over and away she goes. So cute!
Now she has been rolling over for 3 weeks, brilliant!
I almost jumped the gun. The same week that she started rolling over she slept through the night twice! I couldn't wait to post that news, but that did not last. I know there is many tid bits of advice on how to get her to sleep through the night and I am currently trying them all. Truthfully, she is good through the night. I put her to bed at 8pm and usually don't here from her until 2am. Now she has been pushing it back to 3am and 3:30am. I know we are on the right track. She will be sleeping through the night by the time she is 4 months...hopefully!
Posted by David and Stephanie at 1:23 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pumpkin Carving
To end the busy weekend my whole family came over and carved pumpkins. We get pretty competitive and my dad usually wins but he was distracted by a little baby bear...Steve carved "big eye little eye" my mom's is next to his and we call him "special" I think the angry one in front is Lisa's, Angela's pumpkin always has props so hers has the googly eyes, Rob's is beside hers and my dad's pumpkin is below. The tower in the back is the Lundberg family tower. dave's in the middle...his is blind, mine on the bottom...naturally holding up the family, ha, and Samantha's is painted on the top.
Look at these two crazy kids. My sister Lisa and her husband Steve...a couple of goof balls. Steve is that your impression of Lisa? LOL!!
Posted by David and Stephanie at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Busy weekend
Samantha and I went to Dee Morrisen's baby shower on Friday. That was Samantha's 3rd shower and we have another one to go to this Saturday. I always take her because she is so good. She just listens to all the ladies talking and then falls asleep. Here she is sleeping on my friend and producer at the station Christine Kelso. Next to Rachael and her little baby bump.
On Saturday we went to the Rinehart's to watch the big Michigan vs. Michigan State game. Dave found some time to let the Rinehart boys and Jackson show him their wrestling moves. I think they are winning for sure.These kids are like professionals. I can't believe everyone let me take their picture...even Tommy!
Posted by David and Stephanie at 12:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Baby Ryder Schrotenboer
Congratulations to Jud and Lindsey the new parents to Ryder James. Ryder was born around 11:30am on Sunday Oct. 19th. He was a healthy 9lbs. 4 oz. and 22 inches long. Samantha was impressed by his size and thought he was the coolest.
He has lots of black hair like his mommy and a sweet cry like a little mouse. Good job mom and dad Schrotenboer...welcome to the club!
I think they look cute together, don't you?
Posted by David and Stephanie at 9:41 AM 2 comments
Blessed Baby
I am a little late on this post but things move so quickly with a little one. Samantha was baptized on Oct. 4th at St. Jude Catholic Church. She was so good sleeping all the way through church and then she was baptized after the mass. She was woke up and and then had to get some water dumped on her head. Needless to say she was not happy.
Samantha looked so cute in her baptism dress. Our friends Jud and Lindsey let us borrow it. It was a family dress in Lindsey's family. It was so precious. Thanks Guys!
Lisa and Steve Barr are Samantha's godparents. I know they will do a great job guiding her in the light of Christ. We love you guys! "Godparents in the house!" (hee, hee, I'm quoting Steve)
Posted by David and Stephanie at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sad Day
Mommy had to go back to work on Monday and I swear it ripped my heart out. I was not prepared for how hard it was going to be to leave my sweet baby. I still wonder what she is thinking. I wonder if she is wondering where did mommy go? These feeling plus running on no sleep has made for an emotional week. I have been sucking it up pretty good at work because I am thankful for my job, but I sort of feel like the only important job is being a mom...
Posted by David and Stephanie at 2:09 PM 5 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
2 months Old!!
Samantha was officially two months old on Oct. 2nd. She went to the doctor for her 2 month check up on Friday. She had to get those horrible shots. She did well but mom cried....for real I cried. I have decided that no harm can ever come to my child:) I mean ever. I hated watching her little face realize that those darn shots hurt like hell. She stopped crying after like 10 seconds and the nurse handed me the Kleenex many minutes after the shots were over. I was slightly embarrassed but what can I say. This little one has a hold on me.Anyway, Samantha is very healthy. She holds her head up really well. I would say that is where she is above average...maybe even gifted, hee, hee:) She is 10 lbs and 21 and a half inches long. That makes her in the 10th percentile for weight and 25th percentile for height. We love how the wild hair is coming in. We love, love, love her.
Posted by David and Stephanie at 1:02 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
RHS 1998
We had our 10 year class reunion on Saturday night. For some reason I only have one picture from the night. I thought I would have taken more. Good Times!!
Posted by David and Stephanie at 3:58 PM 3 comments
Happy birthday Tommy
My sweet baby had a busy weekend. She had her first trip to Chucky Cheese on Friday to wish her friend Tommy happy 2nd birthday. It was like sensory over load for a 2 month old. She just looked all around and soaked it all in. We might have stayed longer but it was 100 degrees in there and mommy was having a serious hot flash. Thanks for inviting us to your birthday Tommy!Watch out ladies Jayce likes to give the love. Here he is giving Samantha a hug and he loves all over Sophie Rinehart too. He has all the moves!!
Big sis helping with the loot. Nice work Ruby. I hear you do dishes too, hee, hee!!
Meghan getting her little girl practice!
Posted by David and Stephanie at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thats My Daughter!!!!
Samantha loves floor time. She will hang out on the floor either on her play gym or just in her room on a blanket for like a half hour. That is precious time for mommy to catch up on blogging and folding clothes. Thanks Sammi for being such a great baby for mommy!!!
Samantha hung out in the baby bjorn over Labor Day. Here she is practicing.
Samantha is really checking out grandpa. She was so good while we celebrated Mikey's birthday at the farm.
Just hanging out. This baby does not sleep unless she is really tired,
My three favorites!!
Another cute outfit
I was suppose to send a picture of the family for my ten year class reunion. I did not have one so I asked Trevor to take one when they stopped over. In the picture, I just woke up Dave is making a funny face and the baby looks crazy. Needless to say I did not send this picture for people who have not seen me in ten years to see.
This is the third bath tub I bought and I think I have a winner. Samantha likes to get her bath in the sink by the window. It is a lot easier giving an infant a bath if they are not crying. Now I look forward to giving her a bath because I know she likes it.
Posted by David and Stephanie at 9:34 AM 2 comments